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Sunday, December 02, 2007

Building Blocks of Good Character

One of the keys to spiritual development is character building. Good character is the foundation of a spiritual life, and takes time to develop. Those who aspire to build character, instead of an empire, will be rewarded many times over during the course of their lifetime.

So what's important in developing character? The following characteristics build strong character like calcium builds strong bones.

Humility: A friend describes humilty as "an honest, accurate, self-appraisal." It's the opposite of big-shotism. Develop humility by doing nice things and not telling anyone about it.

Generousity: An open heart opens the door to character. You don't have to be rich, or get rid of all your material possessions. Give your time, money, or whatever you have to those in need to sharpen this skill.

Simplicity: We like to make ourselves feel important by being sophisticated. By cutting back on complexity, we will find that good character is more important. We don't always need the latest gadgets or to engage in complex arguements to feel more important.

Honesty: No one thinks a car salesman is the best example of good character. Why? Because all those slick tricks aren't honest. No one thinks of a liar as a good person. Stop lying to others, and more importantly, stop lying to yourself. It's essential.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post...keeping sharing these important words!